Glossary of Key Terms |
Key Terms
“Adverse Action” means: any action taken by a State Psychology Regulatory Authority which finds a violation of a statute or regulation that is identified by the State Psychology Regulatory Authority as discipline and is a matter of public record. “Alternative Program” means: any non-disciplinary monitoring program intended to remediate the licensee that is not a matter of public record and to which a State Psychology Regulatory Authority refers a licensee, or of which the State Psychology Regulatory Authority is aware of the licensee’s participation. “American Psychological Association (APA)” means: the scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. “American Psychological Association (APA) Accreditation” means: programmatic accreditation of doctoral graduate programs in the clinical, counseling and school psychology or a combination of those areas. “Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB)” means: the recognized membership organization composed of State and Provincial Psychology Regulatory Authorities responsible for the licensure and registration of psychologists throughout the United States and Canada. “ASPPB/ National Register Health Designation” means: a doctoral graduate program that has been awarded designation based on meeting the established Designation criteria. “Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT)” means: a licensed psychologist’s Authority to Practice Telepsychology, within the limits authorized under this Compact, in another Compact State. This Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology is deemed valid until the psychologist is no longer eligible under the Compact Statute and/or the Rules and/or Policies established by the Commission. “Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) statuses” means
“Authorization Holder” means: a licensed psychologist who has been granted Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology or Temporary Authorization to Practice under this Compact. “Bylaws” means: those Bylaws established by the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact Commission pursuant to Article X for its governance, or for directing and controlling its actions and conduct. “Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)” means: the scientific and professional association representing psychologists in Canada. “Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Accreditation” means: programmatic accreditation of doctoral graduate programs and internship in professional psychology. “Client/Patient” means: the recipient of psychological services, whether psychological services are delivered in the context of healthcare, corporate, supervision, and/or consulting services. “Commissioner” means: the voting representative appointed by each State Psychology Regulatory Authority pursuant in Article X. “Compact State” means: a state, the District of Columbia, or United States territory that has enacted this Compact legislation and which has not withdrawn pursuant to Article XIII, Section C or been terminated pursuant to Article XII, Section B. For purposes of this Compact, Compact State and Member State may be used interchangeably. “Compliance Committee” means the Committee established as a standing committee responsible for administering the provisions of the Compact related to compliance and enforcement. “Conflict of Interest” means: An actual conflict of interest exists when a financial or other relationship might directly or indirectly benefit the private or personal interests of a PSYPACT Commissioner or PSYPACT Staff or prejudice a PSYPACT Commissioner or PSYPACT Staff in business before the PSYPACT Commission. A majority of the quorum of the PSYPACT Commission may determine if an actual conflict of interest exists for a PSYPACT Commissioner or PSYPACT Staff. “Coordinated Licensure Information System” also referred to as “Coordinated Database” means: an integrated process for collecting, storing, and sharing information on psychologists’ licensure and enforcement activities related to psychology licensure laws, which is administered by the recognized membership organization composed of State and Provincial Psychology Regulatory Authorities. “Confidentiality” means: the principle that data or information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized persons and/or processes. “Credentials Bank” means: the ASPPB Credentials Bank: A Verification and Storage Program. Completing the information in the Credentials Bank is not needed or required for applications under PSYPACT. “Day” means: any part of a day in which psychological work is performed. “Disciplinary Action” means Any action taken by a licensing entity which finds a violation of a statute or regulation that is a matter of public record unless the licensing entity clearly states that it is not a disciplinary action. “Distant State” means: the Compact State where a psychologist is physically present (not through the use of telecommunications technologies), to provide temporary in person, face-to-face psychological services. “Elections Committee” means: the Committee established by the PSYPACT Commission to establish and maintain the election process for the PSYPACT Executive Board. “Encumbrance” means: any action taken by the State Psychology Regulatory Authority that limits the practice or work of a psychologist. An encumbrance may be disciplinary or non-disciplinary in nature. “E. Passport” means: a certificate issued by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) that promotes the standardization in the criteria of interjurisdictional telepsychology practice and facilitates the process for licensed psychologists to provide telepsychological services across state lines. “Examination for the Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP)” means: is examination is developed and owned by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). The EPPP is provided to state and provincial boards of psychology to assist them in their evaluation of the qualifications of applicants for licensure and certification. “Executive Board” means: a group of directors elected or appointed to act on behalf of, and within the powers granted to them by, the Commission. “Ex-Officio Member” means: the non-voting representative from the membership organization composed of State and Provincial Psychology Regulatory Authorities. The Ex-Officio Member serves on the Commission Executive Board. “Finance Committee” means: the Committee established by the PSYPACT Commission to establish and maintain financial documents, policies and procedures for the Commission. “Financial Interest” means: an interest, whether through commitment, investment, relationship, obligation, involvement, loan, donation, exchange transaction, or otherwise, direct or indirect, that may influence a Commissioner’s and/or staff’s judgement. “Gift” means: any item or service with monetary value in excess of $25.00 offered to the PSYPACT Commission, a PSYPACT Commissioner or PSYPACT Staff without the expectation of compensation to the contributor. The gift might be tangible or intangible. “Graduate Degree” means: for the purpose of this Compact, a doctoral degree. “Home of Record” means: for the purpose of this Compact, the active duty military personnel’s or spouse’s state of legal residence on record with the military. “Home State” means: a Compact State where a psychologist is licensed to practice psychology. In order to practice telepsychology services under PSYPACT, the psychologist must be physically present and providing services from their declared Home State. If the psychologist is licensed in more than one Compact State and is practicing under the Authorization to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology, the Home State is the Compact State where the psychologist is physically present when the telepsychological services are delivered. If the psychologist is licensed in more than one Compact State and is practicing under the Temporary Authorization to Practice, the Home State is any Compact State where the psychologist is licensed. “Identity History Summary” means: a summary of information retained by the FBI, or other designee with similar authority, in connection with arrests and, in some instances, federal employment, naturalization, or military services. “In-Person, Face-to-Face” means: interactions in which the psychologist and the client/patient are in the same physical space and which does not include interactions that may occur through the use of telecommunication technologies. “Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate (IPC)” means: a certificate issued by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) that grants temporary authority to practice based on notification to the State Psychology Regulatory Authority of intention to practice temporarily, and verification of one’s qualifications for such practice. “License” means: authorization by a State and Psychology Regulatory Authority to engage in the independent practice of psychology, which would be unlawful without the authorization. “NACES” means: the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services which provides evaluation of credentials for individuals trained outside the US and Canada. “Non-Compact State” means: any State which is not at the time a Compact State. “Permanent Change of Station” or “PCS” means: the state of the duty station noted in the active duty military personnel’s PCS orders. “Primary Source” means: the source from which the document originates. “Primary Source Verification” means verification of a practitioner’s credentials based upon evidence obtained from the issuing source of the credential. “Psychologist” means: an individual licensed for the independent practice of psychology. “Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact Commission” also referred to as “Commission” means: the national administration of which all Compact States are members. “PSYPACT” means: the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact “PSYPACT Model Legislation” means: the legislative language used to enact PSYPACT in each jurisdiction. The legislation ensures that the language enacted by each participating PSYPACT jurisdiction is consistent with each other. “PSYPACT Listserv” means: the listserv used by the PSYPACT Commission to disburse announcements and/or updates regarding PSYPACT. “PSY|PRO” means: ASPPB’s online application management system. All PSYPACT applications are completed through the PSY|PRO system. “Public Comment” means: a mechanism for interested stakeholders to comment on any rules being proposed for PSYPACT. “Receiving State” means: a Compact State where the client/patient is physically located when the telepsychological services are delivered. “Regional Accreditation” means the accreditation that applies to entire academic institutions and not to specific academic programs. There are six regional accrediting bodies in the United States, and each is authorized to accredit institutions in specific states, divided by geographic region: Middle States Commission on Higher Education; New England Association of Schools and Colleges; North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement; Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and Western Association of Schools and Colleges. “Reviewer” means: The individual (or individuals) selected ASPPB to consider and evaluate application files “Requirements Review Committee” means the Committee established by the PSYPACT Commission to review denial for authorization, review ongoing standards for reasonableness and interface with ASPPB regarding the E.Passport and Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate (IPC) as needed. “Rule” means: a written statement by the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact Commission promulgated pursuant to Section XI of the Compact that is of general applicability, implements, interprets, or prescribes a policy or provision of the Compact, or an organizational, procedural, or practice requirement of the Commission and has the force and effect of statutory law in a Compact State, and includes the amendment, repeal or suspension of an existing rule. “Rules Committee” means: the Committee established by the PSYPACT Commission to develop uniform rules for consideration by the Commission and to review existing rules and recommend changes as needed. “Significant Investigatory Information” means: 1. Investigative information that a State Psychology Regulatory Authority, after a preliminary inquiry that includes notification and an opportunity to respond if required by state law, has reason to believe, if proven true, would indicate more than a violation of state statute or ethics code that would be considered more substantial than minor infraction; or 2. Investigate information that indicates that the psychologist represents an immediate threat to public health and safety regardless of whether the psychologist has been notified and/or had an opportunity to respond. “State” means: a state, commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia. “State of Current Residence” means: the state in which the active duty military personnel or spouse is currently physically residing “State Psychology Regulatory Authority” means: the Board, office or other agency with the legislative mandate to license and regulate the practice of psychology. “Telepsychology” means: the provision of psychological services using telecommunications technologies. “Temporary Authorization to Practice (TAP)” means: a licensed psychologist’s authority to conduct temporary in-person, face-to-face practice, within the limits authorized under this Compact, in another Compact State. This Temporary Authorization to Practice is deemed valid until the psychologist is no longer eligible under the Compact Statute and/or the Rules and/or Policies established by the Commission. “Temporary Authorization to Practice (TAP) Statuses” means: Active: Certificate has been approved. Expired 1: Users Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate (IPC) has expired. Expired 2: Users IPC has expired for 2 renewal periods. Expired Permanently: Users IPC has expired permanently and must reapply. Active*: Significant Investigatory Information has been identified. User cannot modify their Home State while listed as Active* but can use the certificate. Only Commissioners and/or PSYPACT Staff have access to this information. Suspended: User is in an Alternative Program. Certificate cannot be used while listed as Suspended. Voluntarily Resigned: User has requested the certificate be closed. Revoked: Disqualifying activity identified, and certificate is closed. “Temporary In-Person, Face-to-Face Practice” means: where a psychologist is physically present (not through the use of telecommunications technologies), in the Distant State to provide for the practice of psychology for 30 days within a calendar year and based on notification to the Distant State. “Training and Public Relations Committee” means: the Committee established by the PSYPACT Commission to administer training and public relations on behalf of the PSYPACT Commission. “Transcript” means: a record of a student’s academic performance, including but not limited to a list of course work and earned grades, issued by the institution of learning where the course work was completed. The transcript must contain sufficient information to determine when the courses were taken, including the term and year. For PSYPACT, the official doctoral level transcript is needed to be received directly from the institution. Transcripts can be sent via email to or by mail to ASPPB, P. O. Box 849, Tyrone, GA 30290. |
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